We gather as a church family to worship each Sunday at 12noon (11am July & August). We also meet on the first and third Sundays of each month at 7pm. Other special services take place as arranged.
In our time together we are called to worship God from His word, we sing in praise, we pray and hear God's word read and preached, before being sent out to live out what we have heard to God's glory.
We are a friendly congregation, and if you are in the area you would be made very welcome at any of our services. Please get in touch if you would like any more information.
Children & Youth
From September to June our Sunday school and bible class meet in the rear rooms of the church building from 11am to 11:45am. Following a short time of praise, children and young people join with others of a similar age, where they are taught from God's word and interact with it through age appropriate material.
Recommencing 11-09-2022
Boys and girls aged 3 - 7 years old have the opportunity to leave the service after the children’s hymn to attend Children’s Church where they hear a bible story and take part in relevant craft activity. This is held in the rear upstairs room.
We love having babies/infants joining with us for worship. However, if you wish to make use of our Creche facility, your children can be dropped off with our Creche team before, or at any point during, the service. The Creche is located in the rear upstairs room where there is also a live stream of the service should you need to stay with your little one.
1st Tamlaght O'Crilly Boys Brigade meet from September to April in Drimbolg R.P. halls on Monday nights at the following times:
Anchors (p1-p4): 6:30-7:40pm
Juniors (p5-p7): 6:30-7:40pm
Company (yr 8+): 7:45-9:15pm
Each night comprises of a varied programme of sports, games, crafts, badge work, marching and bible class.
Tamlaght O'Crilly Girl Guide Association meet from September to April in the Parish Church Halls on Mondays nights at the following times:
Rainbows: 6:30-7:30pm
Brownies: 6:30-7:30pm
Guides: 6:30-8:00pm
Each night comprises of a varied programme of games, crafts, badge work and bible lesson.
Our Youth Fellowship meet from September to June on the 2nd and 4th Sunday night each month in our Church Hall. This is a time for young people of secondary school age to engage with God's word, to praise Him together and have some fun with interactive games and delicious food each night.
Outside of Sunday worship we have a number of opportunities for teaching and fellowship throughout the week.
Men's Fellowship takes place once a month between September and April. Various outings or activities are arranged to provide an informal opportunity for men to interact with one another, but also to hear from God's word; usually through a visiting speaker.
The Friendship Group is an opportunity for our more senior members to meet together between September and April. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 2pm in the Church Hall. There is a varied programme of visiting speakers and an opportunity for fellowship around a cup of tea and treats.
The Presbyterian Woman's group meet on the first Tuesday of each month where they enjoy a varied programme of speakers and bible studies. Each night includes a time of praise and refreshments at the end. The PW have a strong missionary focus and support much work across the world financially and prayerfully.
As a church we meet on a Wednesday nights at 8pm in the church hall to take time to study God's word and pray together. We see this as a vital part of the life and witness of our church as we are equipped thorough the teaching of God's word and bring the needs of our congregation and community before God in prayer.
On the last Sunday afternoon of each month at 3pm, there is an opportunity to meet with others from our congregation for a Church walk in a local scenic location. This is a lovely opportunity to catch up, or get to know, others in our church family.