As a congregation we support various mission organisations, close to home, across Europe and globally.

United Appeal for mission
The United Appeal for Mission is an important part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Every aspect of the Church's overall mission depends to some extent on United Appeal. It supports projects, programmes and staff at home and overseas. It helps congregations and individuals to build God’s Kingdom through youth and children’s ministry, social action and the training of leaders. As a congregation we contribute financially and prayerfully in support of the wider mission work of our denomination. For more information please click here.

Belfast City Mission
Andy & Iris Williamson, Ballysillan
Andy has been a Belfast City Mission worker since 2015 in the area of Ballysillan in North Belfast. Andy and his wife Iris are members of our congregation and we seek to support them and the outreach they are involved in. Each year, on the first Sunday in December, we hold a BCM gift service where we hear how God is working through this mission, and contribute towards their appeal. For more information and the latest prayer points, please click here.

European Mission Fellowship
Church in Moldova
We have had close links EMF for many years in Churchtown regularly receiving updates on their work across Europe. EMF champion mission in Europe by planting and nurturing local churches, mainly through indigenous missionaries. Much of that work is sustained through partnerships in the Gospel between missionaries and supporters. In 2022 Churchtown formed a partnership with Mihai and Irina Chisari who are serving in a church plant in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. We seek to support and encourage this young church both financially and prayerfully as they seek to make the gospel known in that region. For more information please click here.

Open Doors
As a congregation we seek to support our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ across the world. As a congregation, Churchtown have been invested in the work of Open doors for many years, widely supporting their work on a whole as they provide vital support on ground, and equip believers for all they face in such difficult circumstances. Regular updates have been helpful to inform us how best to pray for the persecuted church. To find out more about their work please click here.
As a congregation we are currently considering how we can use the resources we have to be actively involved in mission, both locally and abroad. We hope to add more information to this page in due course.