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Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
His love endures for ever. Psalm 106:1
At the end of another Harvest season when all is safely gathered in, it is appropriate that we give thanks to God for His good provision. You will be made very welcome at any of the services throughout the week.
Rev. Eddie Kirk will be bringing God's word each evening, pointing us to God's greatest provision of a Saviour.
Throughout the week others will be taking part in the service:
Sun 6th - Churchtown Choir (Morning and evening)
Mon 7th - Eden Band & Testimony from Martin Delaney (Harvest supper following the service)
Tue 8th - Soloist - Laura Morrison
Wed 9th - Soloist - Emma Savage, accompanied by pianist Paul Savage
Thur 10th - Grace in Harmony group, accompanied by pianist Jane Dickey
Fri 11th - Testimony from William Sayers
Tea/refreshments served afterwards each evening.